Mr. Trester represents Federal and State employees, served with a “Notice of Adverse Action” before the following administrative venues. Neither of these venues requires licensure or status as a California attorney. Only practicing
immigration law. Licensed only in Kansas State Bar 6729. Registered with the Los Angeles Immigration Court.

1.MSPB - Merit Systems Protection Board, Federal.
2.SPB –   State Personnel Board, State.

MSPB Representation
Assists federal employees served with a "Notice of Adverse Action" and represent them at federal Merit Systems Protection Board MSPB hearings.

State Personnel Board Representation
Represents California state employees served with a "Notice of Adverse Action" and represent them at "Skelly" State Personnel Board Hearings.

Question?                            Call: LA 626-285-0223, OC 949-689-8067, or Fax: 949-612-8123.

Adverse Action Representation

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